Good morning, and welcome to another Fun Food Friday! This will be the last Fun Food Friday linky for a few weeks as I'm taking a break for the rest of the summer - I'll start it up again in September when we're back to school. I hope I'll see lots of lovely bento lunches linked up in September, but remember that Fun Food Friday is for any food posts at all, whether it be toddler meals, creative cakes, or a yummy recipe you’ve blogged. Do link up to today's linky below, I'll leave this one open until the end of August to cover the summer, so feel free to pop back and add your links throughout the month!
Today's fun food from me is a simple lunch made from leftovers. I love packing leftovers because they make lunch so quick and easy to prepare! I simply pop the leftovers straight into whatever lunch box I'm using (this lunch was packed in the Yumbox) and leave in the fridge over night, adding extras like fruit and veggies in the morning. I added a touch of fun to this lunch up with a few food picks, and it didn't take me more than a couple minutes to put together.
In this lunch Small Child had leftover spaghetti and homemade meatballs in tomato sauce. I added bone picks to the meatballs - Small Child thought they were really funny! On the side he had strips of raw yellow pepper, cucumber slices (cut into flowers using a mini bento cutter and decorated with leaf picks), some red grapes and strawberries, also decorated with leaf picks, and a portion of natural yoghurt, which I topped with a few heart sprinkles at Small Child's request. I finished the lunch off with some rainbow yogurt covered raisins, a special treat for Small Child who was desperate to try them after he spotted them in our local health food shop!
I packed a mini spoon and fork in his lunch bag for the pasta and yoghurt. Small Child seemed to enjoy this lunch, eating most of it and just leaving a little of the pasta in one compartment. He did say that he would have preferred to eat it warm, so I am on the lookout out for a thermos container to trial sending the occasional warm meal for him in September. If you have any recommendations, please do comment below!
Now it’s your turn, what fun food have you been making recently? Please link up your foodie posts below and share the inspiration around. You can also link up Instagram, Facebook or Twitter pictures if you don’t have a blog of your own.
A few quick reminders before you link up; please visit some of the other blogs that have linked up and leave them a comment – we all love comments! If you are linking up from your blog, please grab the button below too, and put it either in your blog post or somewhere on your blog. Both old and new posts are very welcome, and do feel free to link up several posts if you’d like.

Thank you in advance for linking up, I hope you find some fun inspiration!
Leandra says
Ahhhh those meatballs with bone picks, look absolutely fab! I love them!
Thanks for thinking of us and leaving the linky open all August Grace, that's really thoughtful of you.
Christine aka happyvballgirl says
oh my goodness, the spaghetti and meatballs look DELICIOUS! And i just love that you stuck picks in them, bone picks nonethelss!! What a fabulous lunch, Grace! ANd thanks for the awesome linky! Enjoy your summer! 🙂
Donna says
Those meatballs are hilarious, like a cave man lunch box! x